Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Available Now! April Sales Statistics

BOLO REALTORS provides Sales Statistics every month! You have access to the new month of stats, plus the history of stats through your BOLO REALTORS Account.


BOLO Buzz Member Forums

This is your opportunity to post about open houses/brokers opens and other relevant events and/or wants and needs that you have. 

Click here to login and go directly to the Member Forums


Tech Helpline Benefit

The Tech Helpline is a benefit for all Primary REALTOR and Affiliate Partner BOLO Members and can help you with many software and hardware issues, on computers, tablets and phones! There is also a great blog with relevant articles.
Tech Helpline Details


8 Unexpected Ways Tech Helpline Can Help Agents and Brokers


FREE Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR®) Webinar

The Colorado Association of REALTORS is offering the Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR) core course at no cost to all Colorado REALTORS!  

Learn more about how to earn the designation HERE


If Real Estate is your Profession,

Politics is your Business

REALTORS® are hard at work every day protecting your interests at the State Capitol.


CAR’s Political Advocacy team:

  • Works at the local, state and federal levels to protect your business, the industry, and homeowner’s rights.
  • Actively monitors legislation affecting the real estate industry and promotes or opposes relevant initiatives.
  • Focuses on protecting homeownership, private property rights, and holding our policymakers accountable.
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